As fortune and misfortune continue their back and forth struggle forever, James decides it's time to set up the Church of Haboo and make a tidy profit, Sam receives an unwanted call, and Jared is...well...Jared. Step forth into part two of our three part groundbreaking series on religion as we discuss what goes into making a Church for Habuism.
As fortune and misfortune continue their back and forth struggle forever, James decides it's time to set up the Church of Haboo and make a tidy profit, Sam receives an unwanted call, and Jared is...well...Jared.
Step forth into part two of our three part groundbreaking series on religion as we discuss what goes into making a Church for Habooism.
If you have any suggestions for future episodes, go ahead and tweet to us at @thatsnotpod. You can also drop us a line at Podcast the change you want to see in the world.
A special thanks this week to our beloved sentient Thumb of Haboo, Ape Raham Lincoln.